Carb-LESS 4 Ingredient Chocolate Protein Cake (FTDI)

This chocolate cake is 100% PROTEIN and has NO added carbs! It's counted as only your protein portion so it's GREAT for non-carb, low-carb days, or during carb cycling! It's obviously different than your typical chocolate cake but I promise that it does it's job when you have weight and health goals and you NEED chocolate cake! Plus it momentarily breaks the monotony of protein shakes all day. Try it out!
Carb-LESS 4 ingredient Chocolate Protein Cake
MooMoo Jackson Style
Ingredients (ONLY FOUR!):
5 REAL egg whites (from an actual egg, not from a box--DISTRIBUTED DIFFERENTLY so pay attention)
3 scoops MyoFX Chocolate Protein Powder
4 packets SPLENDA (only Splenda for best results)
Water (just enough to make the protein powder runny)
Instructions: PREHEAT OVEN TO 350 degrees
1. Put ONLY 3 egg whites in a glass or metal bowl (no plastic) and beat on high with an electric hand held mixer until you form STIFF, HIGH peaks (as if making meringue).
Note: You'll know they are ready if you can turn your bowl over and nothing falls out.
2. Once the egg whites reached stiff, high peaks add the 4 packets of Splenda to them then beat again with the electric mixer for only enough time to mix in the Splenda (do not overbeat in this step). Then set this bowl aside.
3. In a separate bowl combine 3 scoops of chocolate protein powder and the other 2 egg whites, stirring with a spoon.
4. Add a little bit of water to the protein powder/egg white mixture (just enough to make it a thick, slightly runny consistency similar to cake batter).
5. Using a plastic, flexible cake spatula gently FOLD the beaten egg whites a little bit at a time into the chocolate protein "cake batter."
Note: Fold slowly just until they are mixed together, do not stir. Do not overmix them. It'll have little white speckles throughout and that's okay!
6. Pour batter into a 9x9 baking dish sprayed with zero calorie cooking spray and bake at 350 degrees for approx. 20 mins (until cooked through in the middle--watch it). It will be similar to an angel food cake texture. Best when served hot and fresh!
Note: Tastes yummy with a little Walden Farms zero calorie Chocolate or Caramel spread on top (optional)!
Portion info: Remember that this cake is only counted as protein! However, everyone will have their own personal portion to figure out (don't worry it's not difficult).
For 6wk challengers: Everyone will need to consume a different amount of protein powder scoops (per weight) and egg whites (according to gender). Women should eat approx 3-4 egg whites for one protein portion. Men should eat approx 6-8 egg whites per protein portion. Depending on your weight you'll either need ONE SCOOP or TWO SCOOPS of protein powder per serving. The Camp Bible shows a chart for that in case you need to look it up.
So, if you're male or female and depending on your weight you'll know how many portions 5 egg whites and 3 protein powder scoops will be for you personally. For ME this cake is 3 portions. Hope that helps!
Q: Why do my egg whites have to be from actual real eggs and not from a box for this recipe?
A: Egg whites from actual real eggs work best to achieve the best texture and bake well. Boxed egg whites do not beat the same (even if the box says 100% real egg whites). It doesn't come out right with boxed egg whites, trust me! If you really want to try it, go for it.
Q: Is this cake supposed to taste like styrofoam?
A: NO! It won't taste just like your typical chocolate cake but it shouldn't be like styrofoam. It will be spongey, similar to angel food cake. If your cake is styrofoam consistency then you did not do something right! Make sure you're using REAL egg whites from actual eggs (not the box). Make sure you are using Splenda. Make sure you used a glass or metal bowl (not plastic). Make sure you use an electric hand held mixer (don't beat egg whites by hand). Make sure you are achieving stiff, high peaks when beating your egg whites AND that you do not overmix them! Make sure you're using MyoFX protein powder (not Vegan). Then, try again!
Q: Why do I have to use a glass or metal bowl? Why can't I use a plastic bowl?
A: The egg whites don't beat correctly in a plastic bowl. The way they interact with the plastic makes it so they don't become the consistency you need for this recipe to work. This recipe works best when using a glass or metal bowl.
Q: Is Splenda FTDI?
A: Yes! Check your Condiments and Drink page in your Camp Bible for info.
Q: Can I use Stevia instead of Splenda? How about other sweeteners?
A: NO, not for this recipe. Stevia doesn't work well with the egg whites and the texture doesn't seem right to me. I tried it. Splenda gives the best results. If you really want to try it out, go for it!
Q: Are Walden Farms products FTDI?
A: Yes! As long as it is a zero calorie condiment it is FTDI. See your Condiments and Drinks page in you Camp Bible for info.
Q: Do the Walden Farms chocolate or caramel taste good?
A: Some say yes they're awesome and some say yuck! I personally like them in small amounts. If I drizzle a little bit on top of this cake it tastes good to me! Try for yourself!
Q: Can I use vegan protein powder for this recipe?
A: NO sorry! I tried! Vegan protein powder doesn't absorb the same as regular protein powder and it didn't work out.
Q: Can I make this cake without protein powder?
A: No. There's really no substitute to the protein powder for FTDI. Without the protein powder it will be just an egg white bake lol.
Q: If I'm a 6wk challenger, can I eat this while I'm carb cycling on my no-carb days?
A: Yes you can! It's counted as only protein so follow my portion instructions and enjoy!
Q: What does it mean to FOLD the batter together?
A: It means don't stir or mix it. Combine it gently by making a folding motion with your batter.
Q: How do I know what my portion is for this recipe?
A: See my instructions above in the "Portion info" section for details.
Q: I don't have an electric mixer Can I beat my egg whites by hand?
A: NO. In order to achieve STIFF, HIGH peaks with your egg whites you'll need and electric hand held mixer.
Q: What are STIFF, HIGH peaks when beating our egg whites?
A: When you achieve stiff, high peaks with your egg whites that means when you pull your mixer out of the egg whites you'll see high peaks that are stiff enough not to fall. When you turn your bowl upside down nothing will fall out. Here is a picture of what it should look like when done correctly: