Chocolate Spinach Protein Pancakes (FTDI)

Chocolate Spinach Protein Pancakes (FTDI)
MooMoo Jackson Style
6oz dry ROLLED Oats (whole)
2 scoops MyoFX Chocolate Protein Powder (or any other preferred flavor)
4 egg whites
4 Stevia or Splenda Packets
1/2 tbsp Ground Cinnamon
1/2 tsp Baking Powder
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
1.5 cups Water
2 big handfuls baby Spinach (you CAN'T taste the spinach I promise!)
1. Dump all the ingredients together into a Vitamix/Blender and blend WELL.
2. Pour the pancake batter directly onto a HOT griddle or skillet (use a little zero calorie non-stick cooking spray if necessary).
Note: For best results pour as many pancakes as possible right after creating this batter because as the batter sits there longer the oats suck up the water and it becomes really thick. If that happens then add a tad more water. I like to use a griddle and just pour them all at once.
3. Flip once you see little bubbles form all over the top of the pancake.
Portion info:
Women divide this whole recipe into THREE portions since there are 6oz of carbs (one carb portion for women is 2oz).
Men divide this whole recipe into TWO portions since there are 6oz of carbs (one carb portion for men is 3oz).
This is an entire meal pancake including protein, carb, and veggie portions!
Q: Are Walden Farm's products FTDI?
A: Yes! As long as it is a zero calorie condiment it is FTDI. See your Condiments and Drinks page in you Camp Bible for info.
Q: Where do I find Walden Farms zero calorie Pancake Syrup?
A: I find it at Stater Brothers, Trader Joe's, Clark's Nutrition, other Whole Food Stores, and online. They also have other zero calorie syrup flavors such as Blueberry, Raspberry, Caramel, and Chocolate that are good on these as well!
Q: Are these pancakes a full FTDI meal including protein, carb, and veggie portions?
A: They ARE a full FTDI meal for most people but you do still have to pay attention to the portions in my recipe and compare them to what you are required to take in individually.
For instance: Women, If you are only required to have ONE scoop of protein powder then you'd count the 2 scoops in this recipe as 2 protein portions and you'd count the 4 egg whites as 1 protein portion so for you this whole recipe would be 3 protein portions (and we already figured out in the recipe instructions that it's also 3 carb portions for women so that would mean that including the spinach these would complete a full FTDI meal for YOU!
Men, If you are only required to have ONE scoop of protein powder then you'd count the 2 scoops in this recipe and the 4 egg whites as 2 protein portions combined. We already figured out in the recipe instructions that it's 2 carb portions for men so that would mean that including the spinach these would complete a full FTDI meal for YOU!
Q: How should I store my pancakes?
A: I store them in a Ziploc bag in the refrigerator for a couple of days. If it will be longer than 2-3 days then I freeze them. They re-heat perfectly wrapped in a paper towel in the microwave on high for 30 sec intervals until warm. They even taste good cold!
Q: What kind of oats do I use for this recipe?
A: Use dry, whole, uncooked, ROLLED oats for best results. DO NOT use instant or quick oats if you are FTDI. You don't have to use oat flour in this recipe because you are just going to blend everything together so it doesn't matter if your oats are whole.
Q: Can I use Vanilla Extract, Baking Powder, and Cinnamon if I'm taking the 6wk 20lb challenge at The Camp?
A: Yes! Check your Condiments and Drinks page in your Bible for info.
Q: Can I double or triple this recipe to meal prep ahead of time?
A: Yes! However, don't do it all at once! Make ONE batch at a time for best results. If you try to mix up 2-3 batches at once your batter will start to become too thick as the oats soak up all the water and by the time you're getting to the end of the batter it'll be gooey and thick and yucky! I make tons of these at a time but I'll just do one batch at a time then continue on.