Maple Granola Cereal and "Milk" (FTDI)

Do you miss having a bowl of cereal because you're FTDI?? Well guess what?? After tons of requests from AFF asking me to come up with cereal or granola that was FTDI, I DID! And this is one of my new FAVES! The dry granola is actually great to take to the movies, on hikes, or have an on-the-go carb! Remember to follow my portion instructions!! FUNNN!!!!
Maple Granola Cereal and "Milk" (FTDI)
MooMoo Jackson Style
FTDI Granola Ingredients:
6oz RAW, whole ROLLED Oats (approx 2 cups)
1/2 tsp Ground Cinnamon
1/2 tsp Pink Himalayan Salt
1/4 cup Water
3/4 cups Walden Farms Zero Calorie Pancake Syrup
2 tsp Pure Vanilla Extract
10 drops of 100% Natural Liquid Stevia
FTDI "Milk" is one scoop of MyoFX Vanilla Protein Powder and 2/3 cup cold water shaken together and poured on top of the granola as you would do with real milk. Make the "milk" fresh right before you'll eat it, not ahead of time.
FTDI Granola Instructions: PREHEAT OVEN TO 375 degrees
1. Mix all the dry granola ingredients together in one bowl and mix all the wet granola ingredients together in a separate bowl.
2. Combine both bowls of wet and dry mixtures together well then spread the prepared granola out THINLY onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper (spray parchment paper lightly with zero calorie non-stick cooking spray first).
Note: For even crunch make sure your granola mixture doesn't have any thick areas so it cooks evenly and crisps it all.
3. Bake granola for approximately 20 minutes at 375 degrees until CRUNCHY like granola would typically be.
4. Remove it from the oven, let it cool completely while still on the hot cookie sheet, then break it apart before eating. Store it in an air tight container or a paper bag on the counter to maintain its crunch (not in a Ziploc baggie or it will become soggy).
Portion Info: Oats are measured BEFORE cooking so since this recipe calls for 6oz of raw oats it should be split into 3 portions for women or 2 portions for men (weigh your oatmeal prior to cooking it and then split it evenly after'll weigh more after cooking because of all the added ingredients). Carb portions are: 2oz women, 3oz men.
If you pour FTDI "Milk" over it as cereal then you'll count that as your protein portion. Check your FTDI Bible on scoops portions (it's per your personal weight) in order to know if you'll need one scoop or 2 scoops of protein powder.
**The Granola must be counted as your carb portion in one of your meals! It is not just a random snack if you are FTDI! Feel free to eat it without the "milk" or make it into a bowl of cereal and "milk" by following the FTDI "Milk" instructions above.**
Q: Can I use Steel Cut Oats to make the granola? How about Coach's Oats?
A: I wouldn't use Steel Cut Oats! Steel Cut Oats are hard and course and won't give the texture of granola. If you really want to then you can try it but I personally wouldn't. Coach's Oats are in between the texture of Steel Cut and Rolled Oats. They still won't give the true granola texture and taste but it's better than using Steel Cut. For best results Old Fashioned / Rolled Oats are what you should use.
Q: Are Walden Farms Zero Calorie products FTDI?
A: Yes! As long as it is a zero calorie condiment it is FTDI. See your Condiments and Drinks page in you Camp Bible for info.
Q: Does the Walden Farms Pancake Syrup taste good? Where can I buy it?
A: Some say yes it's awesome and some say yuck! I personally really like the WF Pancake Syrup! It's one of their best products! It's a helpful texture and taste in many FTDI recipes. Try for yourself! I purchase mine at Stater Bros, Albertsons, Trader Joe's, Clark's Nutrition, Sprouts, or online! It looks like this:

Q: My granola isn't getting crunchy! What should I do?
A: Make sure to spread it out THINLY on your cookie sheet so that none is bunched or stacked for even baking. Also, you may need to bump your oven heat to 400 degrees and/or increase your cooking time to get a better crunch. It should be crunchy like typical granola when it is done. Make sure you are using the correct type of Oats too (Rolled Oats).
Q: Is Granola FTDI?
A: Store bought Granola is NOT FTDI. However, if you follow this recipe then yes, it IS FTDI because it uses only FTDI ingredients.
Q: Is Milk FTDI?
A: NO! There is no type of milk that is FTDI (Cow's milk, Goat milk, Soy milk, Almond milk, Coconut milk, etc). However, in this recipe, "milk" is mimicked using Vanilla Protein Powder and water shaken together so the "milk" in this recipe IS FTDI!
Q: Where do you get liquid Stevia or how do you make it?
A: It isn't something you make, it's something you buy. I buy mine at Trader Joe's. You can get it at any Whole Foods store or online. It looks like this:

Q: Is the granola still good after a couple days?
A: It can be if you store it correctly. Make sure you put it in an air tight container on the counter or a paper bag. Do not put it in a Ziploc baggie or non-air tight Tupperware or it will lose its crunch and become soggy.