BBQ Sriracha Crockpot Pulled Chicken (FTDI)

First of all, if you haven't heard, Sam approved SRIRACHA as FTDI for 6wk challengers!!! I'm in love! Second, my personal opinion of Walden Farms BBQ sauce is that it's NASSSSTYY!!!! Although some people swear it's great. If you like then feel free to use it, if not then keep reading! SOOOO, if you are lucky enough to own my first FTDI Meats2u Cookbook called Healthy Tasty you will notice in the first couple pages that I came up with a HOMEMADE FTDI BBQ SAUCE and I love it!! If you haven't tried making it yet you're missing out! I love to lather it on my chicken breasts and throw them on the BBQ! So great!!! Note: My apologies but my Cookbook recipes are private for cookbook owners so I won't be posting my FTDI BBQ sauce recipe publicly but if you purchase 2 packs of meat from Meats2u you can get either of my FTDI Meats2u Cookbooks FREE (one free with 2 packs purchase). Purchase their meat either in The Camp section online at or at any Camp with a Meats2u freezer and my Cookbooks in stock!
😀Now that we covered those 2 ingredients, here's my recipe:
BBQ Sriracha Crockpot Pulled Chicken (FTDI)
MooMoo Jackson Style
1 pack (4-6 breasts) Meats2u boneless, skinless chicken breasts (can be either unseasoned or pre-seasoned, doesn't matter) 1 cup of my FTDI BBQ sauce recipe from my FTDI Meats2u Cookbook called Healthy Tasty (or Walden Farms BBQ sauce if you like that) 1/4 cup Sriracha Hot Sauce (more or less to taste depending if you like spicy or not.... this amount is medium) 1/2 cup water Big handful Chopped Brussels Sprouts
Big handful of BABY Kale (which already has all the hard parts removed for you or else if you have regular Kale then first do all the work cutting off the hard stems)
Note: You can add any FTDI veggies if you want to or you can leave them out and prepare them separately along with an FTDI carb!
SUPER SIMPLE Instructions:
1. Put all the ingredients in a lined (for quick easy clean up) Crockpot and cook on high for 3-4hrs or on low for 5-6hrs!
Portioning: Once the chicken is cooked through, remove it, weigh it, shred it, divvy it up in your containers, then add the cooked veggies, any FTDI carb and SCOOP SOME OF THAT JUICE ON TOP!! YUMM!!! Protein portions: 4oz women, 6oz men.
Q: How can I get your FTDI BBQ sauce recipe?
A: My FTDI BBQ sauce can be found in my first FTDI Meats2u Cookbook called Healthy Tasty. It's a private recipe for cookbook owners only. It's not posted publicly. If you purchase 2 packs of meat from Meats2u you can get either of my FTDI Meats2u Cookbooks FREE (one free with 2 packs purchase). Purchase their meat either in The Camp section online at or at any Camp with a Meats2u freezer and my Cookbooks in stock! I have 2 FTDI Meats2u Cookbooks available! Here's a picture of my FTDI BBQ sauce! It's super yummy!

Q: What's Meats2u?
A: Meats2u is a company that provides healthy, non-toxic, antibiotic/hormone free, organic meat to the public. You can purchase their meat online at or at any Camp Transformation Center location with a Meats2u freezer on site. They sell all kinds of FTDI meat. It's delicious, convenient, easy to prepare, and has many health benefits as well!
Q: Is Walden Farms BBQ Sauce FTDI? Is it good?
A: Yes, Walden Farms products are FTDI! As long as it is a zero calorie condiment it is FTDI. See your Condiments and Drinks page in you Camp Bible for info. Some they taste awesome and some say yuck! I personally like SOME of them in small amounts. I don't particularly like the BBQ sauce but lots of people do. I purchase WF products at Stater Bros, Albertsons, Trader Joe's, Clark's Nutrition, Sprouts, or online!
Q: Is this recipe spicy?
A: This recipe has medium heat the way it's written. It's not too spicy. If you want it less spicy then decrease the Sriracha and if you want it spicier then increase the Sriracha.
Q: Is Sriracha FTDI? Where can I buy it?
A: YES! Sam (the creator of The Camp's 6wk challenge and co-founder/owner of The Camp) approved it for 6wk challengers! I buy mine at Stater Brothers but it's available at pretty much any grocery or whole foods store or even online.
Q: Doesn't Sriracha hot sauce have too much sodium for 6wk challengers?
A: We do not have to worry about sodium intake during our 6wk challenge (unless we are doing TILAPIGUS--the 6th week emergency plan). The amount of sodium in Sriracha is OK for 6wk challengers.
Q: What's a Crockpot liner? Where can I buy them?
A: Crockpot liners are bags that line your crockpot but do not melt while cooking! They are so helpful for a quick and easy clean up! I buy mine at Stater Brothers but they're available at any grocery store in the Ziploc baggie section. Here's a picture of them: