Avocado Egg Salad (Clean Eating)

I made some clean eating egg salad today (3 organic, free range boiled eggs, half an avocado, Pink Himalayan Salt and pepper then mash together).
To go along with it I made some of my homemade brown rice tortilla chips and ⭐THEN HERE'S THE BEST PART ⭐I turned some of my brown rice chips into some healthy BUNUELOS (cinnamon/stevia crisps)!! MY CLEAN EATING LUNCH WAS BOMB!!
💡IDEA: Since I knew I wanted to make my brown rice flour tortillas into CHIPS (and not just tortillas) instead of pouring my batter into circles, I just poured it all over my griddle so it was faster then as it cooked I just chopped it up with my spatula! It was fast and easy!
Here's how I did it:
AVOCADO EGG SALAD (Clean Eating & Vegan) MooMoo Jackson Style
Ingredients: 3 organic cage free boiled eggs 1/2 organic avocado Squirt of brown mustard (optional) Pink Himalayan Salt to taste Black pepper to taste
Instructions: 1) Combine all ingredients and mash together, serve cold. 2) Place the avocado pit IN the egg salad until you're ready to eat it so that the avocado doesn't turn brown. Discard the pit when ready to eat!
Brown Rice Chips (Clean Eating & Vegan) MooMoo Jackson Style
Click on this link for recipe: https://moomoojacksontoo.wixsite.com/mmjrecipes/single-post/2018/03/21/Brown-Rice-Flour-Tortillas-or-Chips-Clean-Eating
Brown Rice Bunuelos [Cinnamon/Stevia Crisps] (Clean Eating & Vegan) MooMoo Jackson Style
Click on this link for recipe: https://moomoojacksontoo.wixsite.com/mmjrecipes/single-post/2018/03/29/Brown-Rice-Flour-BUNUELOS-CinnamonStevia-Crisps-Clean-Eating